Doolittle, Bev

Double Back

Price: N/A
Size: 21"3/4 x 34"
Artist: Doolittle, Bev
Edition: 15000 S/N Paper Print

The grizzly bear is a very special animal. His presence adds an excitement that no other North American animal can match.

To use an analogy, the wilderness is like a big pot of stew. The rugged mountains, clear water rivers and tree-colored valleys are the meat and potatoes. But, for taste, you need a little seasoning. The grizzly is the seasoning. No matter how magnificent the scenery, it just isn't wilderness until you sprinkle in a few grizzly bears.

This is a small mountain valley. The remnant snow patches clearly show the tracks of a large grizzly. How long has it been since he was standing right here, where is he now?

Look closely at those tracks. The snow is crisp and clean. The edges haven't begun to melt yet. Nothing has been blown into those big muddy impressions. They are fresh. How far ahead is he? Not far, not far at all . . . .