“When this lake was named Tenaya Lake, after the last chief of the Ahwah-neechee Indians, that tribe already had its own name for it,” wrote Stephen Lyman. “For generations, they had been calling Pyweak (Pie-wee-ack), which means 'Lake of the Shining Rocks.' It’s a very beautiful place where a lot of people go in the summertime, but by October everybody’s back to their everyday lives. “I really enjoy painting light, trees, rocks, water and reflections. I love those elements and I love walking over the rock in Yosemite. This is a scene that just invites you to step onto that slope, even though it’s not level. It’s asking you to keep your balance and open your senses as fully as you can. Walking over that rock puts you in touch with nature . . . with all of life."