Doolittle, Bev

Wilderness -Wilderness

Price: $ 60.00 USD
Size: 20" x 30"
Artist: Doolittle, Bev
Edition: Open Edition

"Wilderness is a place where natural forces prevail. It is more than a beautiful 'postcard-perfect' landscape. Each missing plant or animal, seemingly insignificant in itself, creates a vacuum over time. That ethereal ambiance, the essence of true wilderness, slowly drifts away. We are then left with a beautiful landscape which was once so much more." - Bev Doolittle

Is is still wilderness without wildlife? That is the message of "Wilderness! Wilderness?" by Bev Doolittle. Her fine art poster has the unique Doolittle artistic approach that invites you to look beyond the obvious. Whichever way you view it, her message is clear in the reflection. What do you see there? Are the animals appearing . . . or disappearing?